Metabolic Treatment

Our treatment works on metabolism involving both Anabolism as well as Catabolism. In short it works at physical and mental level.

There are five principle metabolism occurs in the body.For all metabolism there is need of enzyme and hormonal balance in the body. These are namely:-

1) Carbohydrate Metabolism

This metabolism maintains the proper sugar level in the blood by burning the excess sugar and produces the energy to maintain body in working condition. Abnormality in this metabolism leads to increase (Hyperglycemia) or decrease (Hypoglycemia) in blood sugar level. Hyperglycemia causes frequent urination and thrust, decrease in vision, High B.P., gangrene, kidney damage, paralysis, weight loss, indigestion, numbness in hand and toes, sexual problem etc. and Hypoglycemia causes fall in B.P., headache, unconsciousness, weakness, fibrillation etc.

2) Protein Metabolism

This metabolism involved in growth, balancing of enzyme and hormone in the body, wearing and tearing of muscle, maintaining the level of protein (mainly Albumin and Globulin), urea, uric acid and creatinine in blood, Abnormality in this metabolism causes malnutrition, kidney damage and leads to rise in blood Urea, Uric acid, Creatinine which furtherly causes swelling on the body, fibrillation, naushea, vomiting, loss of sleep and restlessness. Rise in uric acid causes gout or gouty arthritis, also affects on the liver and digestive system.

3) Lipid Metabolism

This metabolism controls the level of different fats like HDL, LDL, VLDL, Cholesterol and Triglyceride. Abnormality or alteration in this metabolism leads to rise in B.P., atherosclerosis, blockages in the coronary artery as well as in different vein and Heart failure.

4) Mineral Metabolism

This metabolism maintains the level of sodium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, chlorides and zinc in the body which is necessary for strenthning of bones, muscle contraction and relaxation, water and mineral balance etc. and the abnormality in this leads to different diseases.

5) Vitamins Metabolism

All vitamins play an important role in various chemical and biological reactions inside the body as a cofactor or coenzyme.

* Our medicines works in very nice manner on all above metabolism so it works on all over the body and this is the reason that all patients subsidery problems get cured permanantely along with target disease.

About Treatment
We can cure all following serious to more serious diseases with all medical reports (X-Ray, USG, C.T. Scan, MRI, 2D-ECHO, ECG, Blood and Urine Testing).
About Herbal
Herbal medicine is the oldest and still the most widely used system of medicine in the world today. It is medicine made exclusively from plants.
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